14.03.2025, 05:51 UhrDeutsch | English
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Titel: About Kanotix  BeitragVerfasst am: 16.05.2011, 11:49 Uhr

Anmeldung: 09. Mai 2011
Beiträge: 74

You seem to be so modest. I've searched high and low to find which version I'm running, and it's not easy to find. I'm now running the live edition.

So, my suggestion is to have a subitem "About Kanotix" within the Kanotix menu item, which then opens a pop-up window along the lines of "About Iceweasel", and which contais the version, info and contributors, and including for example :
Kanotix Hellfire 2011-05 based on Debian 6.0 (Squeeze).

* Kernel 2.6.38 final (Ubuntu - recompiled)
* KDE SC 4.4.5 with Kanotix Branding
* Amarok 2.4.0
* Libre Office 3.3.2
* Grub2 Bootmanager (Version 1.98+20100804)
* KDE Network Manager (Version 1:0.9~svn1141976)
* Iceweasel 4.0.1
* Icedove 3.1.9
* Pidgin 2.7.11
* ntfs-3g 2011.1.15
* Wine 1.3.19 (per Lucid PPA)
* Kanos scripts for installing Nvidia or ATI graphics driver, as well as Flash-Player-Plugin
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Titel: About Kanotix  BeitragVerfasst am: 16.05.2011, 20:55 Uhr

Anmeldung: 15. Mar 2008
Beiträge: 610

Hi Tejas,

there is no such item. You can see your Kanotix version via the command
cat /etc/kanotix-version
or simply type
infobash -v
the informations about your installed software can be found via
apt-cache policy Package-Name

I will take your suggestion as an idea for future versions of Kanotix Winken

Lenovo ThinkPad X220 | Core i7-2640M 16GB | Hellfire 3.6
FSC Tablet T4220 | Core2 Duo T7250 2GHz 3GB | Intel GMA X3100 | Hellfire 3.6
Clevo M570U | Core2 T7200 2GHz 2GB | Geforce Go 7950gtx | Hellfire 3.2
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 16.05.2011, 21:57 Uhr

Anmeldung: 09. Mai 2011
Beiträge: 74

Hi TheOne

Good to know Smilie

dpkg -l <lPackage Name>
dpkg -l live-initramfs
||/ Name           Version        Description
ii  live-initramfs 2.0.15-1       Debian Live - System Boot Scripts (transitio
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