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Titel: Printing from Cream -- I need a clue!  BeitragVerfasst am: 31.08.2006, 20:37 Uhr

Anmeldung: 14. Apr 2006
Beiträge: 60

Hi, all.

I particularly like some of the features which the front-end "cream" gives to vim. The "about" document says it adds some things to vim without really touching the underlying vim itself, so that I suppose my question might be answerable by really understanding vim itself (which I don't!).

Basically, I can't print. I'd like to be able to print from cream via kprinter, but the standard "kprinter --stdin" or "kprinter %u" commands don't work, as far as I can tell. I have also found a hint here: http://www.vim.org/tips/tip.php?tip_id=313, which says to add
set printexpr=system('kprinter'\ .\ '\ '\ .\ v:fname_in)\ .\ delete(v:fname_in)\ +\ v:shell_error
to one's ~/.vimrc, to pipe things through kprinter. Doesn't work for me. Either vim complains of errors in its printing commands, or kprinter pops up and then claims "nothing to print". This is when things say "printing" and then nothing happens.

When using other programs, with or without kprinter, things work great. Also, the Windows (boo, hiss) port of cream also prints fine.

Anyone have a solution or a hint?

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