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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 30.09.2006, 03:55 Uhr
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Anmeldung: 03. Mai 2005
Beiträge: 1544
Wohnort: out there somewhere
titan hat folgendes geschrieben::

Bloody hell you are becoming paranoid,

hehe, lets talk about this in 10 years lol

I have already won bets about this from the last 10 years.

How much are you willing to bet ??

DRM is about controlling your machine, and hardware

Is some company gonna make hardware just for linux ???

The light at the end of the tunnel is China India south America et al They are not MS lovers they don't want to be shackled and certainly dont want drm in any form.

Ever been there titan ???

very piss poor countries and kings and queens of piratcy and what is your point and how are they going to save DRM from linux or DRM period

Please copy and paste this little post so I can collect like I have from my previous bet on DRM, I will haunt you about this Winken So how much do you want to bet, instead of your words, how about putting your money in this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

h2's d-u script
h2's rdiff-backup script
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 30.09.2006, 10:18 Uhr

Anmeldung: 07. Mai 2005
Beiträge: 526
Wohnort: Waliser Märze
piper hat folgendes geschrieben::

hehe, lets talk about this in 10 years lol

Is some company gonna make hardware just for linux ???

The light at the end of the tunnel is China India south America et al They are not MS lovers they don't want to be shackled and certainly dont want drm in any form.

Ever been there titan ???

very piss poor countries and kings and queens of piratcy and what is your point and how are they going to save DRM from linux or DRM period

It would be great to think we could talk about this in 10 years, I am more optimistic the future will ultimately be freer but to answer your points. Yes there is work on hardware for open OSs, this project has been going for a while http://wiki.duskglow.com/tiki-index.php ... n-Graphics

I don,t see the relevence of whether I have been to the countries mentioned but through work I have been to South America and India, I worked with Indians for two years but I have not been to China.
Both China and India have enormous potential for software/hardware development and use they do not want MS full stop or should that be period. Yes they use pirate MS they have little option at MS prices now but their official govenment policies are a move to open source. How will this help, well just by numbers. It is outside investment which will have a big influance but the growth user areas are low income. I also read an article recently that China had built a $100 mobo from scratch (no copies) not quite up to the latest Intel offerings but here is the future, At last, the start of real competition and a future threat to the hardware cartels of today.

Here is an extract from a business publication.

Now hop a plane to India. It is hard to tell this is the world's other emerging superpower. Jolting sights of extreme poverty abound even in the business capitals. A lack of subways and a dearth of expressways result in nightmarish traffic.

But visit the office towers and research and development centers sprouting everywhere, and you see the miracle. Here, Indians are playing invaluable roles in the global innovation chain. Motorola, (MOT ) Hewlett-Packard (HPQ ), Cisco Systems (CSCO ), and other tech giants now rely on their Indian teams to devise software platforms and dazzling multimedia features for next-generation devices. Google (GOOG ) principal scientist Krishna Bharat is setting up a Bangalore lab complete with colorful furniture, exercise balls, and a Yamaha organ -- like Google's Mountain View (Calif.) headquarters -- to work on core search-engine technology. Indian engineering houses use 3-D computer simulations to tweak designs of everything from car engines and forklifts to aircraft wings for such clients as General Motors Corp. (GM ) and Boeing Co (BA ). Financial and market-research experts at outfits like B2K, OfficeTiger, and Iris crunch the latest disclosures of blue-chip companies for Wall Street. By 2010 such outsourcing work is expected to quadruple, to $56 billion a year.

Even more exhilarating is the pace of innovation, as tech hubs like Bangalore spawn companies producing their own chip designs, software, and pharmaceuticals. "I find Bangalore to be one of the most exciting places in the world," says Dan Scheinman, Cisco Systems Inc.'s senior vice-president for corporate development. "It is Silicon Valley in 1999." Beyond Bangalore, Indian companies are showing a flair for producing high-quality goods and services at ridiculously low prices, from $50 air flights and crystal-clear 2 cents-a-minute cell-phone service to $2,200 cars and cardiac operations by top surgeons at a fraction of U.S. costs. Some analysts see the beginnings of hypercompetitive multinationals. "Once they learn to sell at Indian prices with world quality, they can compete anywhere," predicts University of Michigan management guru C.K. Prahalad. Adds A. T. Kearney high-tech consultant John Ciacchella: "I don't think U.S. companies realize India is building next-generation service companies."

China and India. Rarely has the economic ascent of two still relatively poor nations been watched with such a mixture of awe, opportunism, and trepidation. The postwar era witnessed economic miracles in Japan and South Korea. But neither was populous enough to power worldwide growth or change the game in a complete spectrum of industries. China and India, by contrast, possess the weight and dynamism to transform the 21st-century global economy. The closest parallel to their emergence is the saga of 19th-century America, a huge continental economy with a young, driven workforce that grabbed the lead in agriculture, apparel, and the high technologies of the era, such as steam engines, the telegraph, and electric lights.

But in a way, even America's rise falls short in comparison to what's happening now. Never has the world seen the simultaneous, sustained takeoffs of two nations that together account for one-third of the planet's population. For the past two decades, China has been growing at an astounding 9.5% a year, and India by 6%. Given their young populations, high savings, and the sheer amount of catching up they still have to do, most economists figure China and India possess the fundamentals to keep growing in the 7%-to-8% range for decades.

Barring cataclysm, within three decades India should have vaulted over Germany as the world's third-biggest economy. By mid-century, China should have overtaken the U.S. as No. 1. By then, China and India could account for half of global output. Indeed, the troika of China, India, and the U.S. -- the only industrialized nation with significant population growth -- by most projections will dwarf every other economy.

full article here http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/co ... 948401.htm
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 30.09.2006, 15:53 Uhr
Team Member
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Anmeldung: 03. Mai 2005
Beiträge: 1544
Wohnort: out there somewhere
Um, I pretty much ignored your post and will say just watch

I see no-way around DRM, it will be built into automobiles, stereo's, TV's, your appliances in the household and YOU will have no control over this, well, you can control what THEY (company who made the product) will let you.

full article here http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/co ... 948401.htm

I don't believe in most articles any more, my reasons are truth and not speculation or "if" or "it might be" a good example is the articles that say the holocaust never happened, or what really is going on in Iraq and unless you've been there or are a survivor, nm on that junk. Back in the day, no-one believed or accepted the WGA or activation part of M$ either.

So sad about DRM, I for one don't want it to happen, BUT, it will, and it will be worldwide. Just remember this little chat, because I will be the first to say

I told you so

Shh!! Don't give them any ideas, or we'll have CRM (Candy Rights Management)

h2's d-u script
h2's rdiff-backup script
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 30.09.2006, 17:48 Uhr

Anmeldung: 07. Mai 2005
Beiträge: 526
Wohnort: Waliser Märze
piper hat folgendes geschrieben::
Um, I pretty much ignored your post )

Says it all really Mit den Augen rollen I think you are confusing technical writing and articles with mainline journalism. DRM is here to stay is some form or other it is a fact of life but will it affect most Linux users in the future, I don,t think any more than now. I was trying to illustrate that PC hardware is being developed that would have no reason to tow the MS/Intel/NVidia line and in fact would be competition. The bottom line is that I don't know any more than anyone else what the position will be in ten years time just that I am more optimistic. World manufacturing has moved east and high tech will surely follow. MS will not be the same company in 10 years time for sure and Hollywood well who wants to watch Terminator 75 or Titanic 21. Most people will be streaming into their homes which will no doubt be DRMed Sehr glücklich The problem is people moan but take no action if cd and dvd sales crashed because people were fed up with DRM they would soon change it, certainly to allow fair use. Look at the drones who pay 79p for a single track from Itunes that can only be played on an Ipod. DRM will be here while this continues.
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 30.09.2006, 18:26 Uhr
Team Member
Team Member

Anmeldung: 03. Mai 2005
Beiträge: 1544
Wohnort: out there somewhere
"Says it all really I think you are confusing technical writing and articles with mainline journalism".

I don't think so, I bet I know more about journalism than you, especially in a war zone Smilie

I know what you were trying to illustrate Smilie been there done that, history shows something different and so does corporations, again, that is were greed & control comes in, and I don't care what country you live in greed & control is the way of life period Smilie

I did read the link and their are thousands just like it, as their was before the DRM thing (warning us of what is to come) and everyone and there mother said it wouldn't happen ........... whether we like it or not DRM is here to stay, and yes linux too, unless companies start making motherboards, cpu's, cd/dvd roms, memory (which by the way will be intergraded into cpu's) just for linux without DRM

Different opinions is cool Winken but only time will tell, and I am willing to bet some $$$ that I am correct. Smilie

h2's d-u script
h2's rdiff-backup script
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 30.09.2006, 21:31 Uhr

Anmeldung: 12. Mar 2005
Beiträge: 1005

piper, lol, I'll second that, a bet like this would be like stealing candy from a baby.

Read more on dist-upgrades using du-fixes-h2.sh script.
New: rdiff-backup script
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 30.09.2006, 22:46 Uhr

Anmeldung: 07. Mai 2005
Beiträge: 526
Wohnort: Waliser Märze
piper hat folgendes geschrieben::

Different opinions is cool

Well we can agree on that Lachen

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